FreeBSD 7 Power-management on older machines.

First challenge - power management.

/This was written for a much older computer than my present working machine. I leave it here because it may help someone else./

Because of the antiquity of this hardware, it cannot take advantage of the acpi power-management system in FreeBSD. That means we must disable acpi and enable apm. (Newer hardware means that this is no longer a problem for glynthebearded, but I leave this information here in case it helps someone else!)

Step 1

Re-build the kernel to include apm support. The line

        device apm

should appear in the kernel config file somewhere!

Step 2

Make sure that /boot/device.hints includes these lines

hint.acpi.0.disabled="1" # this turns off acpi
hint.apm.0.disabled="0" # this turns ON apm

Step 3

Insert these lines in /etc/rc.conf


**Step 4

Re-boot! "shutdown -p now" should power down nicely.......

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